Well we've made our move to the big city and we have to admit; life is all around wonderful. :) We absolutely love our apartment and have enjoyed making it our own. We love it here and can't imagine our lives being anywhere else.
Kyler is still loving his position as the Human Resource representative at Target and comes home everyday smiling. The other day we went up to USU so he could participate in the career fair, the exact place he was discovered a year ago. :) He walked out of USU with a huge grin on his face loving the fact that he just told hundreds of students how amazing Target is. :)
I sit at home. All day. I find myself wanting to scribble 'No work and all play makes Whitney a dull girl.' all over the walls. I literally am losing my mind.
But we have fun. :) Here are a couple of pictures of some adventures we've taken since our move.
So photogenic! Both of you! You can tell those smiles are so natural. ;) Glad you are having such a great time!